Mar 22, 2022
Riot Games, a Practicing Muslim, and a Prayer Room - a story about Acknowledgment and Accommodation
This is a personal story involving Riot Games and a prayer room. The story highlights the difference between acknowledgment & accommodation

Apr 7, 2021
The Business Agility Behind Riot’s K/DA
In this video, we will discuss the Why, What, and How behind Riot's Business Agility through a story of a virtual band called KDA.

Mar 29, 2021
Domains of Business Agility
This video goes through the twelve organizational muscles (formally known as domains) of business agility.

Mar 25, 2021
Culture-led Agile Transformation
There are so many approaches to agile transformation. This video introduces you to a more holistic approach—culture-led transformation.

Mar 17, 2021
Customer-centricity: More than Responding to Needs
This short video clarifies the misunderstanding that customer-centricity is just about responding to customer needs. It's so much more!

Mar 17, 2021
What is the Agile Mindset?
Based on Carol Dweck’s concept of growth mindset, the agile mindset is our mental models and behaviors regarding uncertainty and ambiguity.

Mar 17, 2021
Why (and How) I Joined Riot Games
Why I decided to sell my own successful consulting company and join Riot Games is a story for learning the power of a truly agile company.

Mar 17, 2021
Resistance to the Agile Mindset
Organizations often put up a lot of resistance to embracing the agile mindset. This video shares how we, as agile coaches, can help.

Mar 17, 2021
Advice for Aspiring Agile Coaches
This video shares my heartfelt advice for aspiring agile coaches. It's a hard journey to be a great coach—and it is so worth it!

Mar 15, 2021
Change Culture, Not Process
If you approach agile as a process, it’s just another task. But when you approach agile as transforming your culture, it changes everything.

Mar 12, 2021
Defining Agile
Agile as a mindset described by four values, defined by twelve principles and manifested through unlimited practices.

Mar 12, 2021
Shu Ha Ri: How to Start an Agile Journey
Shu ha ri describes progressions of learning, from rule-following to true mastery. It's a perfect model to understand your agile journey.

Mar 11, 2021
Change Management in an Agile Organization
Change is a continuous reality for organizations that are trying to be agile. Agile organizations need strong internal change capabilities.

Mar 10, 2021
Expect No Shortcuts
Like athletic ability, you can have degrees of agility. It’s something you get better at with effort.

Mar 9, 2021
Boil It Down to Behaviors
For me, it all comes down to what behaviors you want to change or encourage. So be intentional and clear about what those are.

Mar 9, 2021
Pursue Learning, Not Training
When you’re trained, you just do what you’ve been trained to do. But when you’re learning, you understand mindset, values, and principles.

Mar 9, 2021
Invest in Vivid Vision
In business agility, you first need to articulate a strong, clear, specific description of your vision for your employees and colleagues.

Mar 9, 2021
Think Outside-In, Not Inside-Out
Outside-in thinking approaches your business from your customers' POV, not yours. Put your customers at the heart of your work!

Mar 9, 2021
Be Relational, Not Transactional
When you boil business down to its essence, it's about people. Business agility opens up their creative freedom, flow, and flexibility.