The Business Agility Behind Riot’s K/DA
Updated: Apr 8, 2021
How did a virtual band top the Billboard chart for World Digital Songs? Was it a coincidence? Was it a one-time wonder? Hopefully not! It was an unexpected yet hoped-for result of building a foundation of business agility, not to avoid disruption or adapt to external forces, but to place our players firmly at the center of our universe.
In this video, I'll share the Why, What and How behind Riot's business agility, discuss the "Copernican Revolution" that informs our mindset for business agility and show how Riot balances top-down strategy and bottom-up ideas to delight our players. I'll also describe implementing key business agility components, including leadership, individuals, operations and the core relationships that enable or hinder business agility.
And I'll explain why business agility is a journey that relies on what we call “the grind” and learning through experimentation rather than frameworks, models, or methodologies. Hopefully, by sharing the outputs, outcomes, and the journey we experienced at Riot Games, you'll understand the power of a new mindset for business agility.